2019 Guide To Season End Team Parties

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Season wrap-up party catering is tricky as it involves guest of many generations, (both kids and parents). This party is usually hosted at the end of the season and is set aside to celebrate your athletes, their hard work and achievements throughout the season. Planning this party is stressful, complicated, and consumes time. This article contains tips that will help ease the stress.

Involve other activities

Your party should involve other activities that encourage teamwork. You can choose activities like; dress up the relay, parents vs. Kids, Yankee gift swap, design your escape, fantastic fan contest, beach ball, volleyball, hula hoop soccer, obstacles course challenge races, sports-themed scavenger hunt, sports trivia, pin the football on the goal, wacky knockout. These fun games aim at boosting your athlete’s skills outside the field or court and to help them blow off steam.


Every event or party needs a perfect location. Using parents house or restaurants could get boring. Think outside the box and make this Season wrap-up party an eventful one.

Outdoor locations are great; you could host a cookout since you’ll be hosting children who love to run around. Trampoline park is another cool location, they offer party rooms that you could rent.

You could use a parking lot or the field where your team practice. From any of the outdoor options, you can set up tables for food and still have enough space for outdoor games. If you feel an indoor event is a better option, then go for community centers, gymnasiums, YMCA, training centers or large bowling alleys.


Season wrap-up party catering is better handled by professionals because you will be hosting many guests; parents, and siblings would be tagged along. So there has to be enough food for everybody.

You can start by taking note of the children’s favorite food. It would be cool if the food match with the teams color, the team’s color can be used as a guide, colored dips and colorful veggie will be useful. Ice cream bars and other desserts should also be on the menu. A celebratory cake would also add color to the event.

The Coach

The coach certainly played a vital role in making the season successful, his efforts should also be acknowledged, gifting him either a Coaching wisdom book,  customized T-shirts, video camera, certificate, an award or a customized Jersey is a good idea.


You can seize this opportunity to reward hard-working athletes and the coach. Your sponsors shouldn’t be left out.

Parents and volunteers should also be acknowledged; you can verbally appreciate their efforts and support for their kids (helping then get to practice and for providing financial support).


You don’t have to go through the stress of planning a Season wrap-up party catering, Alpine Catering is a professional company that will help, visit alpinecatering.ca for more information.

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